Episode 31: Bachelorstudium Soziale Arbeit


Professorin Mandy Schulze und die Studentinnen Laura Friedrich und Juliane Beyer im Gespräch über das Bachelorstudium Soziale Arbeit an der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz.

In dieser Podcastfolge erfährst du, …

… was die Soziale Arbeit ausmacht und welche vielseitigen Aufgaben sie umfasst.

… die Grundlagen und das übergeordnete Ziel der Sozialen Arbeit. Dabei wird beleuchtet, dass es keine strikten Richtig- oder Falsch-Antworten gibt, aber dennoch eine klare Leitlinie für Diskussionen und Handlungen existiert.

… die Unterschiede zwischen Intervention und Organisation als die zwei Säulen des Studiengangs Soziale Arbeit und warum sie untrennbar miteinander verbunden sind.

… die breite Palette von Berufsmöglichkeiten, auf die der Studiengang vorbereitet, einschließlich überraschender Beispiele.

… die persönlichen Umwege von Laura und Juliane, die sie zum Studiengang Soziale Arbeit an der HSZG geführt haben.

… das der Numerus Clausus und das Zulassungsverfahren keine Hürden sein müssen und ob bestimmte persönliche Voraussetzungen oder Lebenslaufpunkte erforderlich sind.

… die inspirierenden Praktikumserfahrungen von Juliane, die gezeigt haben, wie bereichernd es sein kann, sich auf Unbekanntes einzulassen.

… die Erkenntnisse von Laura, die zu Beginn des Studiums feststellte, dass das Feld der Sozialen Arbeit viel breiter ist als erwartet. Warum sie ihre ursprünglichen Pläne für die Zeit nach dem Studium geändert hat und wofür sie sich letztendlich begeistert hat.

… den Vergleich von Juliane als ehemalige Uni-Studentin zwischen der theoretischen Lehre an einer Universität und der praxisorientierten Ausbildung an der HSZG.

Du willst mehr über das Studium Soziale Arbeit an der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz wissen? Auf der Webseite des Studienganges findest du viele weitere Informationen, zum Beispiel zu den Zulassungsvoraussetzungen, Beratungsmöglichkeiten und dem Bewerbungsverahren.

Transkript anzeigen

00:00:00: Studio and them hats and I will pass,

00:00:05: Buddhist kid now biomes and a horseshoe little girls in one second podcast and for me and The Addictive on the student anger board staff who have your own Studio under along the only under Angela,

00:00:25: yeah sure and if I make this does get clapped at the skin tingles when I wanted to hear government sometimes it's normal the next podcast afternoon namely this my food intruding anxiety Allah are right

00:00:37: if you were to ask my bit not or if it in Death they focused at work.

00:00:42: Yeah hello my name is Mandy Shultz husband Professor on here under faculty its first service and shorten the whole crew to do got some standard and girl it's on this binge drinks later on.

00:00:52: Wouldn't it's been all staff at RIT the institute's director on MM Travis fortunes Institute and on the ruler yeah the combat another climate after pressing the star vodka versus did better than here.

00:01:05: Yeah hello my name is Laura freakish Studio G xn semesters would salivate Ben Cardin practice semester on Tower or filler Corner semester with nothing too good now and.

00:01:18: Poor mr. subscribe to it yeah cool yeah it's been really an Abaya is been for months months a child or industry or a certain semesters at the Allah our Lord

00:01:27: owned been crazy Mitten a studio and for me a lot about design yeah leave a flop officer 1 chose it as my guns I'll go mine wrong it's an extreme anxiety allahabad,

00:01:38: good now these are tell her about the chef's 30 seconds contactless made mention on the is so vile practice oriented as of is entirely funded on this kid.

00:01:48: Because they have closure for end up woman there is a complete sentence.

00:01:56: MIT incident as elaborated optimal tank Open Secret weighted path only in spirit curtains and Aliens krasin order up Co.

00:02:05: Gonzaga main ways an implicit as oh Tyler.

00:02:12: Get what allegretti's case of Iran and the international rice puffs as soon as a budget guns cloud of Dimension Reston.

00:02:19: I'll do my name dot organic Minds I'm a fan voting for the afternoon firefighters as we can toggle forms of Challa about guns,

00:02:27: Corp and quartz intense placed after definite to under internet some 99 designs that but I said an English quickly.

00:02:34: Unfazed by Brides I got because I can just pass it through by ever mentioned but Ananda to tune him dish happened in on some string over here under her said killing after intervention and the organization was protecting him that isn't Biden because of him.

00:02:48: Mankind gun scope can also be manually identify who these italic oppa I don't think mine was never identified in can naturally on their side and a bitch in the intervention Direct mcmansion in assets and our rights as a writer order up here.

00:03:02: I'm betting when our food is I take a little bit more obvious to some Dimension applicable in the emission so terrified I don't a teaspoon enlightens function T teaspoon or about all we are somebody's bed now.

00:03:15: Mutant time to my supervisor or today spend on whatever media rambling answer is can authorize team lighter than the same direct contact with mention abide not towards them,

00:03:26: Apophis on a desert island I'd also had a visit from fat I never Monday

00:03:30: as and a the organization friends of us stands out among these how that says he's made him head of your entire house can put this is often sold as much as we understood ohms

00:03:39: it's indecent Biden's via phone and child that is in a nice fire Canal Zone and by the by the governor and so certain about that too he can't wash beta in my hand lungs failed and he our organs that zones or a notary I'm interventions oriented in variety Edition,

00:03:52: then often found filler but have dings Mukesh Cardinal John David Kennedy is about an aspect of Saddam on this episode ends up here and got it this is a Hands-On rely instead on smack mother so Vicki up by the.

00:04:05: Zion the guys in Medallion it's English or solely on on door in practice so far better now yeah but as I visit us as reason for terrorism and attorney and child in most languages on a name studium

00:04:16: by Design and Canyonlands compound ugly Max wolf in that man's a hero

00:04:21: woman this may be defended on very empty Mi Vida Vincent and leave Jana addictive Ragga we busted a pedestrian Red For Women Voters for this is a classic silhouette we enjoy.

00:04:33: Nine by me of us needs to marklar it was the only fan and fun and addictive ever sociology Muhammad.

00:04:41: Have done our nation and of course not only visited or and have done of a Shinigami act as it when we not only so food is still leadership but I'd been yeah.

00:04:54: I asked my phone I was building and cheating in as a matter of fact listen guys,

00:05:00: quick yeah yeah after onagawa by dude and Captain Ava right side ischemic only as astonished as my filters would see a lot of hungry and only dr. Stowe,

00:05:14: midnight not I was building for clip from can all come fly standby both Spartan and hope there's hope.

00:05:22: People leaked on how do we stand fast socialism social events Australian women had a Zone.

00:05:29: Coulson is gonna cause a few if I'd had unborn from the man had amador's even can yeah not gonna decide my cat kazak no mankind demands Agnes's and.

00:05:38: Nayeon gonzalez-torres rooting against women to marry my fat lash never have more tea contains pedagogic bones I repeat a quick decision zetsu gosh Nuttin often yeah pushed a woman cries these Attalla Al Bert.

00:05:52: It's Brooklyn gonzalez-torres doing a show and she denies mind is a student Ganga.

00:05:57: And in the Pentagon and then follow through and Implement your hat on this kid as you can imagine quotes and I'm like even though we were a little alright.

00:06:04: Elevator in an of T design could naturally shy they cannot jump 349 restaurant they cannot do you want her for as a marketer or heart and often you can now and um David Strafford took sandstones and I bet splitter.

00:06:19: I love them from the garden Stone kurakin and Bob's Burger tongue should never had a family thing

00:06:25: I go - the title card too long on the shoulder no suit shall abide isn't possible TT signature and a half a million heifer.

00:06:36: Conklin house hunt Gesundheit season is or involves.

00:06:40: Third and long served as a giant rabbit can also be awfully buildings are nourished Woman by the balloons and Ritalin Adderall cleaner and restaurant to mention,

00:06:52: it's a tie I'm going to teach you a whole Schuler for so long and after this politics when they are uncommon either I talking,

00:06:59: my out and political smother him and give him the mascot Madeline building on the national museum and Gameday District.

00:07:05: Area by am dr. Susan field for crafting an average day montandon of demon by directing feel like the internet for adverse ottoman doesn't turn out right and like side is not to teach or wounds because I shaft leash the.

00:07:18: Yeah I'm adding 14 in Dan's oldest vinegar I mentioned I'm the unveiling I mention those to the finals because that's the preventive right now.

00:07:29: But so I will scoff don't know politician Ein Mensch how yeah.

00:07:37: Now unfortunately of manifestations Tolerance here and I commissioned first and this is the immigrants.

00:07:44: Because I in fact this this month at Mama and egg donor.

00:07:48: This is messed with mine in demonstrating gang for light of my eyes and I'm stringing land now we have a shifting on Smith in.

00:07:56: House for UND and pleasing finally we were shifting once filled or dammit mention we data to be vegan tile formulation of Soviet and Iran I attack and Incorruptible come and oft before us.

00:08:10: As much as I can before if I'm using Austin aberration before I'm would would argue about whether or not appeared and.

00:08:21: Participate only Dimension or to Ferdinand De Vida else better indication of the target audience of one.

00:08:30: When does is of you didn't fire kind of iron for how of Garbo era is not wish to go and gesellschaft please note when he got off Garber when he can of there a full moon sign.

00:08:41: Damn it does our language building it's a naturalist or on an off track and the horse ruler in the studio mission of essence of a mitten on Dark Matter traffic and NASA,

00:08:51: so none or to permit envivio ons good Rustin of rehearse for ormandy damn it for Boones Nvidia types reflect on down with a good feedback game with a colleague Yael on Smith Nana of broaden.

00:09:03: Vivia or and Paradox in the Triad soon hand long steep climb.

00:09:07: Would naturally assure visit my brother's looking at the triple man that there's a giant rabbit with live in foreign country and that's bizarre did not too late as Allah Arabic Emirates version at kassadin.

00:09:19: Dad listen off track one dimension rest in a quiet and as is of the entire house for and other organs Asia a fern Durant and Ibaka Booth they are there now I mentioned is on damaged area and there.

00:09:33: Gems for Clash code yeah - isn't treating a woman who collects as I feel all fuzzy say about on first beam Android Beam and reactivate gate made with bacon.

00:09:43: Demon,

00:09:44: but often an album with often and on for like land to activates again leave a louder has discarded emotion when we did teach them connect

00:09:53: under stress after 24 hours under the studio test becomes an idea to revisit Elevate and she'd enhanced.

00:09:59: Yeah as a flash plugins could say hypothetically in 2000 maybe I should dare to this up Chris Larson have done it have a nine yard.

00:10:09: Mustangs under the scalp and it on.

00:10:13: Polite ESO es Timberland to find a home is the same stand a selectable we finish the puzzle who knew so.

00:10:23: Cool asking too much but it's home kindergarten we could data management Canada and therefore policy is providing behind.

00:10:34: Yeah talking background and as I don't know Damocles Kate versafine inhabit each Niche it's in the moment capped and then have it as my little kiwi constant gain as a script you have film ugly curtain never done as a movie starring just look I have.

00:10:49: Full-time students who can and auction Plattsburgh home Canal was

00:10:57: gani so as well metal initialized with of congratulations focus on one aspect decision Krishna

00:11:08: but naturally stipulated in for behind Santino China was put on Harmon distance laughs a majority language of us had millou Cliff was cleared and have me so,

00:11:19: zag Floyd I sent Dustin to Glass and so as the size hasn't Facebook.

00:11:25: Yeah but listen done if I scan Eastwood High walking speed and didn't get some portal women that have a moose.

00:11:34: Whistling session again remember I'd never give up I was at got setting else could get clubbed and you see that that's the country must read Rhoda.

00:11:43: As of Desire video that's a good come with cannot decide it never hits or cut as for quote someone kindergarten decisions that we couldn't Amanda Sana Manus Martin does this verse

00:11:53: this paid me it's here - off about the field man in fact a factor here background or admissible shifted booklets for safety dance was Waters initiative cohort at doctor.

00:12:04: Is Curtis it's only does this race with the showing the damage that this has on Jenna's on be there than Mance Vice,

00:12:10: yeah it's quick quick quick but has catch on my dg2 lessons for us that song anguish partner after mistreating animals clouds whistling where we're headed and fucking give me a beer bong and hamburgers for student presence of a film that's being most women also have a French that Finn

00:12:25: pop office on towards a vacancy dad to vizago man for these animals closest in angstroms altar well.

00:12:33: Let's get outta here that once I demand and everybody knows vital interests not a only for her set soon midplane now as I asked my hands can switch this off to clear and the number was closes is next for half escalate.

00:12:46: This is kind for her physically caveat.

00:12:48: And all I could hear your no-good know as a man was next I understand abattoir duration it might bring in studium zanden they are

00:12:58: no morals Clause is in my opinion from the answer the beginning of the intruding going with the himanshu tank here and girl it's noises

00:13:06: Sweden plexus arises under the capacitated and you're not DMV field of a button and the anxiety of these annoyances but super verbum

00:13:15: bias and in the closet with a deal it's the car that you wonder.

00:13:19: The moment is a sort of under 90 flexible agency adopted so filler student into a theater.

00:13:26: If you forgive him this pretend he's a student nurse organ and diagnose not diagnose no water that's it to them also a bit too and water minerals.

00:13:36: I'm Viet Cong order or practicum

00:13:41: did somebody spill or an afterthought Muhammad's wives tradition is it in the front underwear I was building an application ham just ignore my off we devious

00:13:51: did you offer him as a facilitator and get have any relative who who visit them starting at the shop at Mizzou propagation Defender

00:14:02: that's it maybe Dimension button studio in the ozone toshite listen Booth listen context income augmentation Trisha

00:14:09: Liam's are far along and augment understanding and listened with his Agnes Studio

00:14:15: then I can be of further study in the direction of them a bit towards Asian students in China filler or gotta follow through a fire hose.

00:14:25: Wouldn't off I nagar dear Brides an afterthought of course Lawson ham order little assistant knows building robots here in an office building that gives our team you please cut this incline entire I'm still your man original to lesson

00:14:37: it's not enough my truck to come for Bassett and Angelique is practicum

00:14:43: with so much work on the Chelsea are order of an inch bigger boobs I've closed the Abbot one water turning practical momoko Madre puta and fear involves uploads on local muffins puncta the highest of any size or Magnum

00:14:57: by come often abattoir,

00:14:59: nah item number of stores building must be the other half is not even small difference might call my name and that's what Nolan's friends with the diagonals in order for this lets the.

00:15:10: Even does a Master Lock by Uber divided come on okay that's highest let's just pretend on the rush to the n and then if I ignore snow to forgive him.

00:15:18: My expenses pretend directly Bobby to know to and sponsors potential evidence I'd yeah this is some vegetable vanish

00:15:26: a lot of tight I can always always belongs to eat goat and all that other or connect your English are you just happy a condom and sang was money and Ivanhoe Shula English creams are not so much.

00:15:37: Isn't going so now I can do as a man had van never and as I stood the end as you know sagging hammock about on this crazy normal to some sofas and

00:15:48: babbles protest Candace and four tires and women before I shot my FS your toes building was a hog market about man Moses make a man can own metal barnardo maybe to have a man's I just moved in is Attalla ever again commentator February mon condominium Studio.

00:16:02: As the angles competence and Global this is not my kind 52 between these are tell her I had brought stagger personally skating as Adam it organizations and social competence

00:16:11: Moondog midna reflected involves motivation and felt calm deposition VTC for her Madam it's of Shifting Masala about our smart while.

00:16:21: Yeah it's kind of Simone and Toya shrunk given Ava can see the my exact isn't for you to tell about mention go agneta Ganymede I'm not mentioned in contact sent.

00:16:32: When's it all for under a mention on the and limbs language of the integument intrusion as Parkinson's disease interested on.

00:16:39: First mentioned in believe man tripped and windows a conviction motion

00:16:44: what is it in or losing one's another China by Don Valley samak of eccentric resource investment perspective and what kinds of commands I'm heading in

00:16:53: when they're not interested is to tell Emma problem like the hint that there is an increase of lignin and cooked em de or be mandatory

00:17:04: quasi lungs Rustica it was born for later you know as a vast program we are all my mood principles of a hidden or even more.

00:17:11: Yeah mostly Say Goodbye old order now a class everything in one do butterfly seven previous cannot so you go under ticklish to cook Morgan.

00:17:20: How did you doing.

00:17:24: Leave it to best him talk to come with a basket and particles impact of a syntactic foam yeah and Manhattan indecent seems a mess indeed a shooting on it's because I'm under what happened yet so I admired and Kansas highways he hasn't got the semester at another woman and practicum game can finish can something practical materials like a mock test

00:17:41: yeah again as always have my practicum and I know Kris and English tongue the mortification on young pleasure or and.

00:17:51: Yeah that's about English orange soda by ingesting World about started.

00:17:57: Fillets Denver my often been for New Year's card values looks a lot of ideas of your fetishes or and had to ask minor Patinkin,

00:18:06: English to interface again right so yeah.

00:18:10: The virus was fought on do peasant Shadows there should be a thing about him as long as he had dogs are positive abolished or does he work lazy a few particular my boss that side had an exact all the practices and I dozen,

00:18:25: owned yam inverter do,

00:18:27: Mukesh twisting his book lighted fun with you and Anand - or Mouse towards Tuesday supervision made Antron student in in as has had her do work like fish basket marked as.

00:18:39: We hadn't had all.

00:18:42: You must now and pack this picture I'm Not So within a client of Fortune but I mustn't move it out Clovis.

00:18:50: Olivia.

00:18:54: I'm stuck in the form of art and culture of amending its mouth my mouth open we know can now also of their Fortunes in the same way a language for good massage and spa Resorts of green,

00:19:06: I want yeah yeah cheering this is a positive I have how I'm gonna have some down guilty I can kill Jonah doesn't even when I'm sure um that's good now

00:19:14: ding a lie and I'm not demanding it to mask my marks and I found some it is this yet were clicking flashed on door to number is kevon what did the first time kind of know how interesting

00:19:24: not a surgeon.

00:19:25: Ted's Ashley can is me a fortune I've always been taught them languages all right position first link has enough that's also the domestic habits cannot be have longer Fair warned.

00:19:40: Yeah it's kind of smoky entire Fortune Alpha lies than just someone a Bachelor of Arts at in my decision

00:19:47: Ava is you believe I had this is why the Practical Management on bright summer hungama vocalist

00:19:52: defied a yeah they are cancelling a she knows I was trying to be seen by time studio

00:20:01: can't store flight animal credit investment in Practical terms of just one person shocking to see and then deflate and ramazan a given current just finds a model and the we have bizarreness fear,

00:20:12: as if you have a little a highlights of the advertisement of foster don't click.

00:20:18: That's something an auditing demands are met the man and reflect on Ximena G it as.

00:20:26: Canonical aft.

00:20:29: It's been kind of an organization's orienteering Praxis semester we have yeah should we get to take that selfie I'm spy Praxis semester wound,

00:20:39: trouble for the purpose of introducing my until 4:00 we are always connected since of all interventions oriented as an organization's oriented it's been that cotton in identifying there.

00:20:52: Yeah it's taken by distance in the government is now Batman film industry Titan motor on can do you think it as Carmen

00:20:59: and a few of these organizations oriented practice semester front is somebody should be totally fresh this is Project module was franglish a project management and out direct does studio in the Damocles cat mmm

00:21:13: play actor belong to the summit number student program and actually has an MBA student program that's had Mia.

00:21:22: Cousins basketball technology or permitted for tell Gap that the or cyberbullying black circle is palmateer tub.

00:21:32: Just punch Buckley tow this project for me so horse kazuto.

00:21:38: Want to impacts the semester off disaster does interventions orienteer to making soup brings in this video,

00:21:44: it's very elaborate on this floor for missionary service which doctor okay um clicking wow hi this is Megan respect I've been with the intention is a studio gang.

00:21:55: Can I spin is Rises of a semester though.

00:22:01: Yeah Frankie yeah this was a class on this one girl at his new club and the Headhunters.

00:22:11: But it didn't slow velocity let's begin the students constantly replicative as normal glitches on decides he has done for us Lawson on done that evening as winds veer.

00:22:22: This is good food after another which they can come undone Westbrook the shelter says interventions orientated Praxis semester which guitar tab as oh the essence forever walking around so hard on this perfectly okay

00:22:36: Danvers social sites across the 40 degree mark,

00:22:40: no your conclusions it is a Talisman hats for Lon yeah on this bow from Graham gets this practice semesters Mitch shoes would celebrate an invention without in contact.

00:22:52: Don't have to make the tomislav Sophia person flies down off of another evening with Zack,

00:22:59: this is to investigate point cut off young Lee hits with light now these against Mukwonago sister Sophie pass it on to feel Capital gang,

00:23:10: that's my gosh Paso the country are working space man who owned.

00:23:15: Chitin and Verna as part of another band lungs process isn't and.

00:23:21: McCann yeah yeah we've added nearby did this Damocles chitin as Rudy and Flo's of this Legacy in the name we've already designed heads.

00:23:33: And also didn't.

00:23:35: Not understand craft of some building that rotten man suddenly and and had Valium of isn't yeah visited Xena Bahu lives and their family are named in the sofa yeah.

00:23:46: Follow as oh yeah and that's finding it was of sagging is Magda so here's our Jesus Mitten under this is there soon as it's over invoice does it take whatever Vulcan Materials Fest and.

00:24:03: As it's my initial have both back in her vanish when kids are illegal.

00:24:07: Is this email in there as well as since my system has ever tried some just leave it Hazel's there is this increase Manhattan need intellect to skip through of a man attacked for her business cash of dollars oh.

00:24:21: Vile zoo and finish wouldn't us when we click hadn't have Mount Pleasant of anger had not so conce fear for profile

00:24:28: officer controls is for me to measure this forgot about HP if you actively under middle right in in seminar when vasudeva work Leisure as it marked the sphere mayor when he said but I'm it

00:24:41: hello my name is Zee of Mehmet Emin debe midmark on I-71 and from s to hurt as a ring of nine days that's much better

00:24:51: it's been years or damaged as a mermaid named device and who's prettiest

00:24:55: yeah it was kinda more to system which had often direction for college visit not only visited upload on the side of me and Frank Simpson up correct.

00:25:04: Abba eban by does.

00:25:11: Or others learn how to do Sunnah is I don't taste as good as Fitness hurt.

00:25:18: Boom Howard Wilkinson AMA done comedy tonin to learn about ultimate Antron professor and and woodsy ending mankind had voltage.

00:25:28: He has a phone careful a condom and a sober enough own her wound mechanically to him.

00:25:36: And professor professor and order to turn again and Frank the man had vocally Zhong her Dora needs to rest calmed on this galang marked and this is had vocalist in their family has forehead nose and I had some environmental record in Vega had never Vasquez or

00:25:51: pure of a seasonal of Tekamah in fact is he's been don't have any description of this month after President Lincoln am as oh

00:25:57: Goodman anacondas month average of need is a very long thanks of later have a strong incentive to nor does this active you want to see the film which ones are so does

00:26:06: as the master I'm gonna scoot Selena Gomez a semester team is income taxes are switched on or in studio

00:26:14: episode 70 of Tracfones

00:26:17: these two deer and and Insulin orange combines a million or to bring on organ in all stores to bring on the undergrads Acuna reason house for a woman at home and never quite Neiman we found Bridge from spinning

00:26:29: wonder why isn't this on a map of what's covered in visually Justice for her or good Minds understand not to assure.

00:26:36: How often does we often the school Sport and as a child I would be the equivalent in my infeld on Who We Are.

00:26:44: - guns cock no Vice nervo Life Hit iron oral but it's not crap.

00:26:52: Good past it can.

00:26:58: It's kind of near my kids on that work that's been damaged as I said I could do Masters online additionals and good too.

00:27:06: Hunters can do ksh kind of good at seems mature design and I know how efficient it a name so staying on top to bottom busy person has marked it kind of our continuing a monotonous and go to Muhammad as a spectrum Darkness like this yeah

00:27:18: we'll just kind of and and Parkins on pets in indigenous language tended to Mach number plate is designed to give us an accurate cannot just do what I do from 126 minuten.

00:27:26: Darts person I'm Griffin and up botton it's version for Mohamed elomar Collison oft indecent.

00:27:36: Yeah that was some news for you can always take a moment and um just,

00:27:44: reflect your the profits on that item to have in there.

00:27:48: Both listen Praxis the cell phones are off track or here and unable to reform it long name of Christ is in Chrome plugin.

00:27:55: It's just a lobbyist investigate hand we create on a professor in elementary deposit I don't want that so go ahead just as we go - I'm done with this question hmm if doctor for investment this is where.

00:28:07: Do you study an interactive urine.

00:28:09: The student where it's rectangular yeah and when it's hooked and candy corn has a double eyelid things happen after school

00:28:18: does this so when Financial calm down Manhattan The Angst that was fresh tumor won't have the same the shown in on some student gang escaped can Christian Firestone and this is in my business cards actin

00:28:29: discourse mother demand amid print Amanda I need and.

00:28:34: This is my old Studio London only evidence against Savage accent now

00:28:45: another mining one does.

00:28:52: That's assumed to our Scouts and fair enough as of now as a fun being by my garden wasn't just cause owner

00:28:59: fire - voiceover wanted to tell her about handguns Clark a hotel in yo doesn't a dimension register

00:29:04: the foreign will challenge the mafia fired on the telegraph disco done and it up the facade nickel mines and my bothers of their video to the end of discussion Devin why she was killed.

00:29:14: Manhattan mcleish Kate they density alibi'd out I did so startling Anakin and yams which Allah better mram this is true diems but had some damn it off season while missing doesn't have it.

00:29:29: It was first when I'm off track this ministry ohms Zhang.

00:29:37: Forgive him distorted and I cannot understand good as they grow

00:29:40: food is Attalla Al B then the Taliban are Runnin Mitch that Lionel Canon camera Mukesh card or in contrast for mention anglophone second Indians did somebody spill or community garden evangelization kid has no familiar and I'll put the number two.

00:29:55: Damn it I have to tell her I'll be right in in contrast iron and a Phillip Randolph has not undergone.

00:30:03: Don't fish Kate on DVD mom nostalgia uneconomic.

00:30:07: And expedited crazy vanished is a chunk nuts and the status Anakin lesser than confirmation guns under her boobs fell down or infragard is sounds like Nick burn when ignored installed in absolutes header yeah

00:30:20: as a who had Leisure of comes in the middle of a bun okay okay I can also tell about that not unfeeling but is not which I read and understand Leah and I cannot understand

00:30:31: didn't of course lost none of your absence has a certain a certain English to tell.

00:30:40: Practice does Monday Mukesh kids you know it's a hot night I got it Batman act and damn it Matt and I asked did opportunity for some time to kind of somebody's Place Monday practicas public doesn't know.

00:30:50: Tactic has all of his one need is not wish on a shooting okay as you reflect on it

00:31:00: we'll just to me at this example of medium beige lab shows on an arc and he's Australian economic bad talk about act like they're not ones.

00:31:08: See how mascara just have us for my English pothole and often website if another ten I had my motive finished reading and women this time I released status wissenschaft for someone taxes non-participating Ironhide & Amber eyes open

00:31:20: wolf ended in Indian variety for songs that only 180 and by one stimulus car

00:31:26: a difference of poverty and reflected October tailing doesn't it seems more than Rebel rights when I'm threatened semester.

00:31:33: Visit Chef Glacier qualitative and quantitative for frogs matured a non-traditional student has eaten a bite its captors Eisenhower was fought on the smooth tool or maybe develop my tracker.

00:31:43: Dinner and period as a vocalist code from the table about the my video of the shifting muslin on door Fortune Muslim then was all country or adequate practice or spurn as of washroom,

00:31:56: IMS in a van,

00:31:57: the vast past year dinner practice vegan diet and is we complex Android limbs creason we're here for she didn't inform from discrimination and somebody's provoked mourners

00:32:07: kind of a conf diners can be / sign again the here Chloe and welcome everybody bedside not just because I have two kids I'm leaving for another his disciples for swimming and fish together.

00:32:16: Tie a line far,

00:32:17: the material in Elliott up to date by a tight game that's on the graph so Denton of the river and when Tom's oriented Fortune Kernan on Twitter or any an interesting one symbol on the middle but above cargo doors phone:

00:32:29: that was October 13 feet of eggnog has its own and deflect organisms and take long and Rincon.

00:32:35: Isn't about of Madam Bachelor knowledge and shows fish and in mastered envisioned the whole shoulder and beaten management visitor in one day.

00:32:42: They're getting it reflected the Praxis or.

00:32:53: Fun time to convert versions matura condominum.

00:32:57: Yeah it is Matilda Naughty observant and an organized practice chicken soccer not under that about Angela's face designed for the master one Wild Horses Italian Abbott.

00:33:06: Have H on Austin to tell about Vision shaft including have also.

00:33:11: He knows by the student first and second yeah and I come undone family story yet my made public so after.

00:33:20: Now I can my enough to sleep and was managed to defeat come under the mesh Pi should enter to his craft he this van right

00:33:25: does the cell to become on July 31st 2014 yeah I've hidden file on Darren you're angry don't travel so much because I'm not Travis design.

00:33:38: Faculty Institute as well as National research on Abbott this nonprofit organization our veterans on an hour I was under the faculty didn't ready for some dessert orphan under she'd listen.

00:33:50: Team members on the same Transformer zones for stronger method lesson we are married only Lira and Friesen as regards my video question I don't smoke this curtain up to six collectors and Z MB is Optus for Schulman.

00:34:03: Getting restless man or a fortune for Assessments in by specialized On Target so it might be that Democritus gentlemen.

00:34:10: Under student denies his craft to a certain bit about Aaron or Indian project Norm its elaborate inaudible or here and a faculty it.

00:34:20: We hadn't does G from Corona woodifield or another organization Studio under vocalist.

00:34:29: Guns view mid good work to hum Opel Corsa Mash datum that doesn't replace partner didn't have little fingers down her first along lasted throughout the entire online layer of an azalea present and.

00:34:43: Pick up this is off my.

00:34:45: It was under his office with a field or and I'm trying to not attending absolutely we don't take in food into them the nose yeah so does another guy in the dark man - and then happen in this takuma don't really get an inferno yeah.

00:34:59: They would know about device is just a years again comes with his Padilla so he comes fun here yeah it's become final and Lee singing and and.

00:35:09: Are forms in Patton Boggs and I kinds of to sachsen okay as when he had survived our.

00:35:14: Yeah I'm done yeah and as you've been about him shooting as this as a Christian as a linear fit in shrinking and cheat and I have a man and tried it they had enough here.

00:35:23: You bet I am and I'm guessin and W again been raised here and guard it sleeps with him finish so just truly leave him here.

00:35:31: Kristen Japan musician.

00:35:33: As which Bob Valdez orders from him studium Chamois or directional pad before and have mr. Dunphy and cheating and water or here positive abolished valleys.

00:35:46: Zia now as well as Sienna dinner tours of their knowledge about 100 Min does everybody want of weeks

00:35:56: skiff hot Sims Fe Mukesh Caden as a man ascends to teleport shutters and on had of nucleic Aiden

00:36:03: it's my shoe buttons again or are interested in clubs or as a human and Divine Comedy tone and so to have them as well.

00:36:09: Yeah it's been always there with you and come on.

00:36:14: Yeah I had initiated after this music video failed their quit Lala volumes ottoman here sturdy Ananda has set K on Havana's was profound.

00:36:25: As of omission was my perspective of was just VT student blistering heat is familiarities a family atmosphere.

00:36:33: Nava Kite from the tendon wound,

00:36:38: that's actually on their campus it leave it encompasses finding good if any good testers or client is this the nature of as a.

00:36:47: Cliff 2004 Titus and big fat and five abilities is family as a good religious Mark Mark the scanner with you,

00:36:56: my noctem Ximena some batch PhD in Sublime don't move us to question you are the son of a Scottish person water or and everybody knows or and,

00:37:06: cannabis industry in the next five minutes again house so.

00:37:16: Intensity flag of Endearment for mr. Jones act which matches the Thiele average to Deandre,

00:37:22: it mentions Julian's head Malcolm my guns after season I've got options at Sagamore Danzig uh come and he has said kh2 the entire Globe Byzantine guns in Collision was coordinating soon vessel,

00:37:36: fast run for Talking Hat Glory as of heated accordions and noise and.

00:37:41: Come Monday highest gear hum responded him this image bring this love this mascara or owes that's why we're here.

00:37:50: I'm putting the tight that English isn't just for here or hundred accent that's began already Grant Skookum Targets on a few to tune them 100 feet

00:38:05: I would love to have other.

00:38:07: Lost also them the antennas are good Oscar started the whole shoulder we have shown Aroma with ensuring the legging on this much bass hits so far back.

00:38:18: Longer wider and I want to hiding

00:38:27: but I need from my home and I made him look like a turd pseudonymity friends again so I can get some other that's enough Frank often than and have to eat at a team agrees kite

00:38:35: these everybody chat function of a website the loss of an offender dive on her website did you contact that infinite entrenched Julian Barratt ordinate touristy for never Professor controls the first region bartender,

00:38:47: it's done guys can sleep for sign child and runs and runs for later on guns by adhere buttons on the hood it's a taco salads oil even dunk that it has I don't.

00:38:56: Music.

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